Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Sura 3 Al-Imran


God Said that those who reject faith in the Sign of God will suffer the severe penalty.
God taught us to pray that God not Let our hearts deviate after guiding us, but to Grant us Mercy, because God is the Grantor of the Bounty without measure.

God had Chosen Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above all people.
imran's wife said to God that suppose she had got a baby, the baby will be for God's Special Service.
But she was delivered a female child. And she had named her Mary. And she commended her and her offspring to The Protection of God from the evil one The Rejected.

Her Lord Accept her. He Made her grow in purity and beauty.
Zakaria cared her. Everytime that he entered her chamber, he found her supplied with sustenance. When Zakaria asked her about that, Mary said that it was from God. And according to her faith God Provides sustenance to whom he Pleases, without measure.

Zakaria prayed to his Lord to Grant unto him from the Side of God a progeny that was pure. For God was He that heareth prayer.

The Angels called unto him to say that God Doth Give him glad tidings of Yahya.
Zakaria said to his God how should he have a son, Seeing he was very old and his wife was barren.
"Thus" was the Answer.
"Doth God Accomplishe What He Willeth"

The Angels said to Mary that God Gave her glad tidings of a Word from God. His name will be Christ Jesus. The son of Mary. The Angels said that Jesus spoke to the people in chilhood ( when he was baby ).
Mary said to her God how should she have a son when no man hath touched her. The Angel said: "Even so: God Createth What He Willeth; When He Had Decreed a Plan, He but Saith to it. 'Be" and it is!

Jesus said to his people that he had come to them with Signs from Allah. In that he made for them out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it. and it became a bird, by God's Leave. And he healed those born blind, and the lepers, and he quicken the dead, By God's Leave. And he declared to them what they ate, and what they stored.

Jesus said that It was Allah who was his God, and their God. And he told them to worship Him and that was straight,

God Will Punish them who reject faith. With terrible agony in this world and in the hereafter.

But God will Paid them who believe and work righteousness.